8 Ways to Leave a Positive Footprint
I think it is important for all of us to take steps to leave a more positive footprint on this planet – not only by reducing our impact on the environment itself, but also by instilling happiness and positivity in the lives of others. If we all focused on this, the world would be a much better place.
To truly start leaving a positive footprint, we first need to reflect and make change in our own lives. This will make it easier for us to positively impact the environment and others around us.
While creating The Positive Footprint, I took some time to reflect on what aspects of my life I felt needed changing. Areas that were creating unhappiness or having negative impacts on the surrounding environment.
I also looked at what changes I had made in my life that seemed to be for the better. Subtle things I started doing that were little turning points in my life.
Throughout this time of reflection – I came up with 8 lifestyle changes that I felt would have positive impacts on the way I was living.
I decided that if I could make these 8 (relatively simple) lifestyle changes that I would become an overall happier, well rounded person and be able to focus on leaving a positive footprint.
Really there is no particular order these 8 lifestyle changes should be looked at. They all have the same potential to change your life and they all require some level of commitment.
While this is definitely not an all inclusive list, I do believe that these 8 changes will make a huge (positive) impact in your life and ultimately on the environment around you. A few of them I have already been incorporating in my life for awhile now. Some of the others, I am starting in the same place you are.
I am not claiming that your life will always be butterflies and rainbows after this journey and your wildest dreams will all come true. I think we all know life doesn’t work like that.
But I can tell you that if you start down this road, you will be able to handle the bad times a little easier.
You will see your life in a more positive light.
Your world, and the world around you, will become a little bit brighter.
Over the next 8 weeks we are going to look at each of these 8 lifestyle changes in detail. We will spend the whole week going over tips and having conversations about how to incorporate them into your daily life for good. [Make sure you are following us on Facebook, Instagram, or subscribed to our email list so you don’t miss the extra conversations]!
I hope you choose to embrace each of these lifestyle changes and really try to put your whole heart into them.
Join in on the conversation throughout the week and let me know how it is going for you.
If the lifestyle change is having a positive impact on your life, then great! If it’s not – then don’t continue to incorporate it. Each of these changes may not be for everyone – and THAT’S OKAY!
We will begin this journey tomorrow with our first post. I am excited to share with you what I have learned and I hope you have a chance to travel down this road towards leaving a positive footprint with me.