Importance of Movement

Movement in any form is the best way to keep our body healthy and working as it should. It has been shown to provide a wide variety of benefits like improved weight management, decreased risks of diseases, and improved sleep. (1)

The physical benefits of regular movement can help prolong our lives. It is actually estimated that the current generation of child will die earlier than their parents due to a more sedentary lifestyle. (2)

Think about it – our parents and generations before them did not have all of the activities that involve sitting (video games, netflix, computers…). In fact, many of our ancestors HAD to move in order to survive. They had to go out every day and gather food or walk to work/school. Moving in order to live is actually ingrained in our DNA!

Along with the benefits to our body, movement benefits our mind. It improves our mood by releasing certain endorphins and decreasing stress levels. Moving more can also be a form of meditation and lead to increased self confidence. (3)

Oxygen and blood circulation increases during exercise and movement which in turn increases our brain activity leading to improved cognitive function. Recent studies have actually shown that increased movement and regular exercise can improve memory in those with mild cognitive impairments. (4)

As you can see, movement is so essential to our daily lives – that is why I chose it as another one of the 8 ways to leave a positive footprint. The physical benefits of movement allow us to be more mobile and get out to experience new things. Mentally, we will feel better about ourselves allowing us to spread positivity around us.

The best thing about regular movement is it is FREE. It costs nothing to try and incorporate more movement in your day, but could cost you a lot if you don’t! [medical bills, disease…yikes!]

The way most Americans currently live, has turned us into a society of sitters with little movement. We sit at desks for our jobs, sit in the car during a long commute, or sit in front of the TV to binge watch the newest Netflix series. All of this time not moving is taking a toll on our bodies.

There have been numerous studies linking negative side effects from sitting for too long.

The reality is that hitting the gym for the recommended 30 minutes a day isn’t even enough. While it is still important to try and get in a routine of exercising regularly, it is even more important to incorporate movement throughout our day. This will allow our body to get the movement it needs even on the days we can’t get our 30 minutes in.

Incorporating more movement into our day is easier than you may think. The hardest part is just remembering to do so. An easy way to remember is to set a reminder on your phone. You can even set little challenges for each reminder like walk to the other side of the office and back or do 10 calf raises. Just make sure and move in some way every time your reminder goes off. I try and get movement in every 20 minutes or so.

A standing desk is a great way to force yourself to sit less and even get more movement at work. I have found that when I am standing while working I tend to move my legs more and even feel more apt to walk around the office. Just as sitting for too long can be bad for our bodies, though, so can standing. In fact, it is not good for our bodies to be in any one position for long periods of time. Our bodies are meant to move!

I really thought I was already making a conscious effort of not sitting too much during the day, but it really adds up! On a normal day I find myself sitting for at least 7 hours or so. This amount of sitting is WITH me having a standing desk at work, working out at least 30 minutes most days, and going on a walk at night with the fam.

I determined most of my sitting was happening during meetings and driving to and from said meetings. With a new baby, I am also spending a lot of time pumping and feeding. Seeing these as times I really can’t do much to reduce the amount of sitting, I need to start focusing on the moments I CAN change.

There are so many ways for us to begin to move more. Here is a list of some of my favorite ways I have found to start incorporating more movement into my life!

Stretch while watching TV

Instead of just sitting on the couch when watching a TV show or movie, I sometimes sit on the floor and stretch. This is a more passive kind of movement when I am trying to wind down for the day and is so relaxing!

Take a spot at the back of the parking lot

I don’t remember the last time I purposely drove around a parking lot in order to find the closest spot. Instead, I always drive to the back of the lot and park as far away as I can. This allows me to get some extra steps in and no door dings! A win win!

Get a dog

We walk our pup, Luna, almost every night. Sometimes it is hard to squeeze our walks in, especially on nights that we work late. But she is cooped up in the house all day while we are at work, so even on these nights I feel like it is only fair that I take her on a walk when I get home. Once I get myself out the door, I really do enjoy these walks and it feels like an easy way to get some extra steps in.

Put items away when you’re done with them

This one came about when I noticed that items started piling up by the basement door one day. I was picking up the house and had set them there to bring down the next time I had to go down there for something. Instead, I started just taking these random items and putting them away immediately. Sure, it usually resulted in more trips to the basement or garage but I was getting more movement in and less clutter was lying around!

Change the way you stay stationary

While this isn’t necessarily movement, it does cause us to move our body in a different way than we normally do. This works different muscles and trains different parts of our brains. Instead of sitting with feet flat on the floor when on the couch, sit cross legged. Squat down to your kids level when talking to them. Lay on a blanket in the grass when reading a book instead of sitting in a lawn chair.

Take the Stairs

Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs. A pretty simple way to get more steps in a move a little more.

Don’t yell across the room – walk to someone

All of us has been there – yelling down the stairs or across the room to say something to our spouses or kids. Instead, walk to them. This will save your voice and will probably lead to less miscommunication anyways.

Go outside

We tend to move the most doing tasks outdoors. Think about it – hiking, walking, riding bikes, growing food, sports…these all tend to be done outdoors. Just being outside motivates us to move. So get outside more and find ways to move while doing so! This will boost your moral as well as your physical health!

Walk and Talk

Instead of catching up with an old friend over coffee, catch up while walking in the park. Hold meetings or brainstorming sessions while walking around the office or outside your building. You will get what you need to accomplished while also re-charging and getting exercise!

See the movement benefits in your daily tasks

We all probably already have some small moments of movement throughout the day without even realizing it. It is now a matter of seeing these moments and making them purposeful.

Leave workout equipment in plain sight

The easier you make it to work out or move more, the more likely you will do it. Leaving workout equipment or your running shoes where you can visibly see them is an easy way to do this. It is a lot harder to motivate yourself to work out if you also have to dig for your dumbbells in the closet. Leaving these items out and about will also serve as a constant reminder to move!

Find a way to move that you enjoy

This is the most important aspect I have found in moving more. If you don’t enjoy what you are doing, it is going to become more of a chore and you will be less likely to do it consistently. Find workouts or ways to move that you enjoy doing. Do you like being out in nature? Go to a park and walk the trails or ride a bike. Do you enjoy talking and being with other? Join some classes or invite a friend to move more with you.

Don’t just sit and wait

It is a known fact that at multiple points in your life you are going to find yourself waiting. It may be at an airport waiting for your plane to board or in a checkout line at the grocery store. Instead of just standing stationary or sitting down during these times, move. Walk around the airport terminal or do some calf raises while standing in the checkout line. It may even make the wait go by a little faster!

When you do move more, do it purposefully. Pay attention to the quality of movement, not the number of steps. Listen to your body – does the movement feel right? Or is it causing you pain?

If the movement doesn’t feel right for you, change it up. Just because someone else gets in shape by running every day, doesn’t mean that running is right for you.

Once you find movement that you actually enjoy doing, you will be surprised just how awesome you feel!

